We have 3 groups that meet on a Sunday morning during our 10am Service.
Children begin in the service with the adults, and will be invited to go out to join their groups in the Hall part way through. On a Communion Sunday, children will start the service in groups- signage will make this clear.
Steppers is our group for children aged 18 months - 4 years
During the session, children have plenty of time for active play, sensory play, and craft, as well as a time of songs and a Bible story, and a snack!
Due to adult-child ratio requirements, we ask that a parent of children under the age of 2 remains with their child in Steppers.
Trekkers is our group for children aged 4 - 7 (School year 2)
During the session, children will learn from a Bible story, play games, make a craft, and sing songs, as well as having time for a snack!
Explorers is our group for children aged 7-11 (School year 3-6)
During the session, children will hear from the Bible, and will have a chance to discuss in small groups what they've learned, as well as playing games, making crafts and singing songs!

Noah's Boat Baby and Toddler Group (term time)
Noah's Boat Baby and Toddler Group meets on Mondays from 9.30-11.30am (term time) in the Church Hall on Cambridge Street. We sing popular nursery rhymes and songs, read a Bible story, enjoy playtime with a variety of toys, and have fruit snacks for children & refreshments for adults. Come and join us and meet other families. There is a small charge of £1 per family.
Check out our Facebook Page: Noah's Boat Monday Toddler Group
Noah's Boat Under One's Baby Group (term time)
Our Baby Group for under ones meets on Mondays from 1.30 - 2.45pm (term time) in the Church Hall on Cambridge Street. A lovely group with baby toys, singing, action rhymes, refreshments for adults and 'Thought for the Day'. A great way of making friends with other families. Please contact us before you attend. There is a small charge of £1.50 per family.

Our weekly After School Club for children and youth aged 7-11 meets on Thursdays during term time, 3.30 - 5.30pm at the Jenny Lind room on Suffolk Square.
We play games, eat waffles (or other tasty snacks) and spend time exploring what Christianity is and what Jesus has to say to us today.