We have 2 youth groups that meet before and after our 6.30pm evening service.
Pathfinders is our group for youth aged 11-14 (school year 7-9)
We meet at 5-6.15pm in the Church hall (drop off at hall, pick up at Church before the service) and play games, have snacks, and study the Bible together.
CYFA is our group for youth aged 14-18 (school year 10-13)
We meet at 7.45-9pm in the Church hall (drop off at Church after the service, pick up from hall) and eat a meal together, play games, and study the Bible.

Our new Youth Club meets every week in term time from 7-9pm in the Jenny Lind Room. This group is open to anyone aged 11-18 from the community or church. At Youth Club, we play games, eat snacks, spend time together, and read the Bible to see what it has to say for young people. You don't have to be a Christian to be part of Youth Club, and you don't have to book- you can show up on the night!
We'd love to see you there!