Thank you
We are hugely grateful to God and to our members for their generosity in serving and giving, without which we would not be able to continue so many of our activities. The costs of our mission activities, our staff, our building maintenance and equipment, our utility bills, our admin, our financial support of mission partners and agencies and all our other expenditure is met through the generous gifts of church members.
Here are a number of different ways you can give:
Regular giving
We recommend a monthly standing order. You can set up this up with your bank yourself:
Account name: Holy Trinity Parochial Church Council
Sort code: 20-62-53
Account number: 00780863
Reference: please include your personal ID number or Gift Aid number
(If you do not have these details, please email the Treasurer)
One-off Gifts
You can make one-off donations using the same bank account details.
You can use the links to donate to any special appeals.
If you would like to discuss any other options for giving, including our weekly envelope schemes, please contact the Treasurer.
Donate to Holiday Club
If you wish to donate to Holiday Club this year please find below the options:If making a bank transfer please state 'Holiday Club 2024' in the reference (see bank details in regular giving).
If donating through Churchsuite then please select the 'Holiday Club' option under 'Fund'.
Gift Aid
If you pay UK income tax or capital gains tax your donations are likely to be eligible for Gift Aid. This means that for every £100 you give, we can claim an additional £25 from HMRC. To be eligible you just need to pay enough tax to cover a quarter of the value of all your charitable donations (to us and other charities).
In order for us to claim Gift Aid you need to sign a Gift Aid declaration. You can complete it, sign it and pass it (or scan and email it) to our Treasurer.