We love welcoming friends from all over the world to Holy Trinity to be part of our church community and explore faith in Christ with us. International students are welcome at Sunday services at 10am and 6.30pm, and in our student group that meets on Sunday evenings in church.
We also partner with Friends International in welcoming students from other countries to Norwich:
If you are an international student in Norwich, we’d love to welcome you in one of the many activities we run, where you can make friends, have fun and hear more about what Christians believe:
Monday, at 7pm: Dinner and Bible is a weekly group of international students who would like to meet Christians and explore what Christianity is all about. We meet in a home near UEA campus to share a vegetarian meal together, followed by a time of discussion about the Christian faith in a small group. If you want to join, please email raquel@friendsinternational.uk or register
Friday, at 10:00am: International spouses group. Are you an international student here with your wife or partner? Every Friday, a group of international spouses and local volunteers meet in a coffee shop at UEA to make friends and practice English. No need to register, just come along. Children accompanied by their parents are welcomed.
Friday, at 5:30pm: International social. Join us very Friday for fun, friendship and snacks with other international students and local volunteers. We meet at the Annex, next to Student Information Zone, UEA campus. No need to register, just come along. Invite your friends!!!
And much more!!! Trips, tours of the city, Christmas and Easter lunch, hospitality with local families… For more updated information, you can download our app
(Here) or follow us on social media (Friends International Norwich)
Friends International is a Christian charity seeking to grow friendship and faith with international students in the UK & Ireland. We want to give as many international students as we can a great time here, chances to experience real local culture, and opportunities to hear the Christian message. Our activities are open to those of all faiths and none. If you have any questions, you can email raquel@friendsinternational.uk
Have you ever wondered… What Christianity is all about?
There are several opportunities for international students to take part in discussion groups to find out about the Christian faith. There are weekly Bible discussion group meetings during UEA term time. The groups meet in a local home and a free home cooked meal is provided.
For more information about the UEA Christian Union, please visit their website
For more information about the NUA Christian Union, please visit their Facebook page
About Friends International
Friends International is a national organisation which aims to welcome international students while they are studying in Britain. We welcome people from all countries and from any religious background. During your stay in Britain you will probably face many unfamiliar situations. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and to help you as best we can.