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NGP Study Groups – Christian Discipleship

NGP Study Groups provide an opportunity to know Jesus better and to be encouraged and equipped in serving him. The learning is flexible, using a combination of online study and monthly meetings with the opportunity to learn from leaders from a group of local churches.

Autumn Term 2024 – Christian Discipleship

For Autumn Term 2024 the topic will be Christian Discipleship. We will explore what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus Christ, and how to help others to grow as Christian disciples. Starting with the patterns of the first-century church as they sought to share and live out the Gospel as a Spirit-filled, word-based community, we will establish biblical foundations and explore practical steps for everyday discipleship.
Study Groups are designed to be as flexible as possible while enabling learning together in community. Participants will study units in their own time via an online platform (roughly 60 to 90 minutes per week), and then meet together as a group for three sessions to discuss their learning. These sessions involve a facilitated discussion of the topics covered with a relaxed atmosphere for collaborative learning.
The in-person meetings for this term will be held at 7:30-9:15pm at Holy Trinity Church on Mondays 7th October, 21st October, and 25th November.
There is a registration fee of £20 for the term, which covers the cost of the online learning materials. The deadline for registering is Sunday 22nd September 2024.